This beautiful Prada bag was in great shape, except for its handles. I cleaned her up, gave her some new handles, and now she's unique and gorgeous and ready for a new owner!!
This is a medium sized bag with a height of about 9.5," a width that is about 14" and a depth of just over 4 inches. She'll fit lots of stuff!!
The exterior nylon and the leather is in really great shape. I did have to cut off the existing straps due to wear and tear, but I added silver hardware and black leather/silver chain straps with a drop length of 11.5". No one will have a bag like this one!! The cinches on the side work perfectly!!!
The inside liner is a rose colored nylon and is in great condition.
Please note: This is a vintage bag and will show some wear. I try to call out everything, but please make sure to look at the pictures!!
This bag will come with a dust bag and will ship Priority Mail or UPS.